Acting through specialized projections known as dendrites and axons, neurons carry information throughout the neural network. This animation appeared in documentary Das Wissen vom Lernen on the ARTE German public television network. The film is the work of the talented filmmaker Erica Fehse. [...]
I’m currently working on a new storyboarding system for my film projects utilizing the Adobe Creative Suite and Blender (the open source 3D application.) The general workflow is as follows: 1. Create a character using Adobe’s Fuse application. 2. Export the character to Adobe’s Mixamo online application in .dae (Collada) format. 3. If needed, added [...]
Pretty Cool Stuff As a quick follow-up to my last post, I was finally able to get my augmented reality app working correctly on iPhone and iPad. The issue I encountered was XCode giving me an error stating that the Info.plist must contain an NSCameraUsageDescription in order to access the camera. The solution was add [...]
Augmented reality is a hot topic these days and I’ve been eager to explore its possibilities. Last month I attended a mixed reality meetup (Film 360 VR) at the offices of Meta in San Mateo. The evening provided fascinating insights into augmented reality via a panel discussion and hands-on demonstrations of Meta’s headsets. My only [...]