My Unsplash is Blowing Up!
July 12, 2019
Wow, what a week. Last weekend, I added a few photos to my Unsplash gallery as I have been doing lately. I didn’t think a lot about it until Tuesday when I received an email from Unsplash telling me that my uploaded photo was to be featured on the home page. (Credit where credit is due: this photo was taken by my son Aaron of his brother Noel… using my camera.)
Cool! I had never had that honor before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Suddenly, my Unsplash page started to be deluged with hits! Crazy! The visitors the the laser pen photo brought attention to some of my other photos and I’ve seen an exponential increase in downloads for many of my other images.
As of today, I have had over 128,000 views of my gallery and 234 downloads of the laser pen photo. Interestingly enough, my photo of the Globe Theatre in London (Shakespeare’s crib) also blew up receiving over 33,000 views this week. Goes to show you just never know!
Check out my Unsplash gallery!